Director: Ivan Reitman Director: Will Gluck
Running Time: 108 mins Running Time: 109 mins
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman Starring: Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis
Both films focus on two friends who decide to have sex with each other, under the promise there will be no complications and it will remain just sex. Naturally, things get complicated as the friends develop feelings for one another.
At an initial glance, it would seem there is not much to distinguish between the two films, but the biggest difference lies with the cast. No Strings Attached has Adam and Emma, played by Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. But between the much deserved Oscar winner and the star of That 70's Show, the two lack a chemistry which would have gone a long way towards selling this romance. Neither seem to try to elevate their performances above being anything but bland, and the film suffers for it.
Compared with the Friends With Benefits' own Dylan and Jamie, played by Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, there is a noticeable difference. They share a natural chemistry which is a joy to watch, and feels as if it's reflected by a real life friendship the actors could share. In short, its everything Kutcher and Portman failed to bring to screen.
While Friends With Benefits may be enslaved to generic plotting that can be seen in any typical rom-com, things at least are elevated by a sly poking at the notable clichés which inhabit the genre. There is also a subplot involving Dylan's Alzheimers stricken father, strongly played by the ever-reliable Richard Jenkins. What could have come off as awkward and emotionally manipulative is handled well in this witty script, doing a good job of hitting the emotional moments.
Friends With Benefits is everything No Strings Attached fails to be, bringing the laughs, clear character motivations, good performances and proving to be a better investment of your time.